I feel a new beginning...
I look in my closet to find the right clothes for this. All black?
I call an ancestor of mine.
He would be the right entity to ask about this kind of event.
- Hello? Hello... How are you this year?
- ...
- How is... everything?
- ...
- Sounds like... yes, thanks for saying that and...
- ...
- No, everything is fine and I was wondering if you could help me with a certain thing.
- ...
- Oh, my family? It's good I think. Uuum, here is the thing...
- ...
- No, no pets. I hate the feeling that after I get to love them I have to bury them.
- ...
- Thank you then. So, may I ask about a concern of...
- ...
- Got it and...
- ...
- Oh... That too. Everything is fine, except this thing t...
- ...
- No no No, Yes, but...
- ...
- Could you STOP for a second? Because...
- ...
- STOOP...
- ...
- What do you mean?
- ...
- What do you mean you know?
- ...
- I have no idea how to deal with it. What color...
- ...
- Yes, I remember... Well, I remember to stay still for a second, ingest the idea of a major change... I did the same when I was a boy... Every single day was something new, major shifts... Is that it?
- ...
- Take my time. Is that simple? Nah... Really?
- ...
- Gotta go. Talk soon.