He approached me and stopped right in front of me. My whole body was frozen. Only my eyes were moving continuously following his eyes. All around me rushed citizens were minding their own business. Although I was the only one staying completely still on a busy street, I was invisible. I felt like stopping someone and make them acknowledge his sight. My reality was stuck in one place. He widely opened his mouth as my mind started listening.
- I would like you to follow me.
I heard in my head …
- What are you?
Actually my real question was ‘Who are you?’, but…
- Follow …
The word vibrated in my head.
Vibrations travelled down through my body and put my feet in motion.
And that’s what I did. I followed.
“This city is disappearing slowly. Its greyish nuances are becoming stronger each day and soon it will be as sallow as the dirt, the differences fading until it will become one big muddy pile of junk.”
My thought was abruptly interrupted while he led into the park.
In spite of him being an unusual apparition for my civilized eyes I couldn’t see him as my polluted heart demanded.
My life was … torn by too much venom sucked while swallowing the assumed hatred wrapped in humiliated innocence. Blinded by seen eyes that could only read the street corners filth. Deafened with screams silently devoured by stupidity. Smeared with blood gushing from oozed wounds. Corrupted into lowered heads scraping the dog shit’s crest. Enraptured in jumping sounds of premature joy … and stinking clear water.
By now I was stiff.
“Am I the only one who can feel this colossal blast? Have all my peers gone mad? Or have they taken it before me and self-tamed by now? It’s obvious that they want to live, no matter what. How is it possible to have such willingness to live? Why is that? Why worship the inertia? Because the forefathers wrote so in their e-mails?”
I was taking the first step and burst in dirge. At that point he must have realized that I was not completely dedicated.
I was a corpse who breathes, but everything inside was screaming that’s not air I’m breathing in.
photo by Nadia Dimofte
A big hug from Spain ... :)
a big Canadian hug back. don't be a stranger on this blog. hope you enjoyed it.
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