The end of the mind is crucial for everything.
I am bruised because of my experienced thoughts.
A man appeared on my eyelid and winked me to open my eyes into the sun.
Are you mad? I asked. And the man answered by ripping the only eyelid that I had.
No pain occurred and I felt good because the sleep disappeared. What a relief.
I stood quiet... for a while, licking away at the happenings.
I was just rereading my blog--something I do when I'm bored and unhappy--and saw a comment you wrote a few months ago. I then looked you up and noticed that you're an actor. I'm an aspiring one, sort of; played "Clariee" in "Steel Moagnolias," and the lead ("Maurya") in "Riders To The Sea." Have you done anything interesting on stage lately and/or are you working on any scripts?
hi mimi. yes, I am an actor/writer and now I am working on a few film and theatre projects. are you interested in a collaboration?
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